Hey, decent song.
Okay, I guess I'll review this song, maybe the other one.
Quick Review: This song is pretty cool, I like the quick, high-pitched buildups whenever they come on. The drum beat, or just beat, whatever you want to call it, could use some work. I'd say make it a bit louder so it can "overcome" the main melodies, but dont make it so loud that the main melodies sound like they're just a background ambience, noise, etc. Im glad you added a saw in, but its a saw, its supposed to drive in energy, in this song its just used as a tool to make a melody with.
Detailed review:
Originality: Around the time you submitted this, many people have been dishing out(some not in such a good way) random "halloween-like" songs. This one sort of goes in between, because its SOMEWHAT scary, or dark, but its also kind of fast-paced almost. Also, if you're gonna have that saw in there, make it a little bit louder, just a bit, but I guess in this song it sounds fine. You should make the song slightly more ambient and slow, but try and keep it scary, add scary-sounding buildups or something. Anyways, keep the song ambient for a short while, then buildup and transition into what this song has, but(only if you're going for a energetic, non-chill song) then add the saws in and make sure they're fairly loud, and keep the melody quick, but also keep it scary/dark.
If you want this song to be "ambient" or "chill" but still scary, just make it slower, take away the saws(because they're very "Hi-NRG"ish) and "make it slower" meaning just make slower melodies with that...harp-ish instrument you used.
Diversity: Well, basically the same as what I just said above, but try and make the song sound....different. Lol, sorry, i dont know much about diversity. Okay, how about this? Don't try and copy someone's style EXACTLY or even really close, but if you have to, get some key elements of good techno making from them. Dont plagarise, lol.
Clarity: I can hear it fun, although some instruments, like the harp-ish, bell-ish, scary-sounding instrument sounds too loud, at least when I turn up my speaker volume. Also, make the beat louder, as said before.
Effort: I can tell it wasn't hard to make this, it barely has any flow to it, it almost seems like a robotic song. Try and drift away from the usual "symmetrical" way of making melodies, you know, where each note has the same length or the same length ratio, like one note is 4 ...spaces long, and another is 2, try and ....well, i dunno, just try it i guess, lol, sorry. But also, try not to line up your bell/harp instrument thing with your saw, or your saw with your scary bell/harp-melodies, because it just makes it sound so robotic. Try putting more time into your stuff, it'll sound much better. Make something, go over it, go over it again, get someone else's opinion if needed, and go over it once more, then export after adding/taking away any necessary/unnecessary elements.
Overall: Good song, but its so......simple. Its just the same instruments going for a long time, yes i know you've heard this plenty of times, but give it variation, and most importantly make sure it catches the audience's attention well, like with attractive melodies or drums/beats/etc.
K, im done, lol. Decent song, you can make better